

  • Select a Java program (from the internet or one you already wrote) having >= 10 classes.
  • From that program, draw the class diagram for a set of 10 core classes (try to avoid drawing UI classes and concentrate on those that do the actual job of the system). You should select the target program so that you would have in the class diagram at least some generalization/realization relations and some associations (simple, aggregations or compositions).
  • Next draw a sequence diagram for a concrete interaction scenario emphasizing how the objects defined by the classes from the class diagram interact in order to perform a particular task.
To draw the diagrams use an UML editor (my suggestion is to use StarUML).
  • When you deliver the project you will also have to discuss / explain the diagrams !!! The mark will also consider the complexity of your diagrams.

Note: The examples presented during lab classes/assignments must not be used.

To ensure that each student has a different program, register your program at this link as soon as you've decided on it (my suggestion is to do that in the next week).

The list of all selected programs is available here. After registration, you should wait ~10 minutes for Google to update the projects list.