Programarea aplicațiilor distribuite / Distributed Programming

Bine ati venit!

Aceasta este pagina oficiala a cursului de Programarea aplicatiilor distribuite, anul III CTI romana si engleza. Aici veti putea gasi cele mai proaspete informatii despre curs, inclusiv slide-urile prezentate in fiecare saptamana si informatiile despre examen.
This is the official Distributed Programming course site, for the 3rd year, CTI-RO and CTI-EN programs. Here you can find updated information about the course, lab, and exam (including the slides presented during lectures).

Va rog sa consultati periodic aceasta pagina, deoarece aici vor aparea si toate anunturile importante legate de curs.
Please check back often, as this is the place where all official announcements will be published.

Selectati link-urile din partea stanga din sectiunea PAD/DP pentru a accesa resursele legate de aceasta disciplina.
Select the links on the left, section PAD/DP, for further information.

Feedback-ul vostru este intotdeauna binevenit, atat prin viu grai cat si la adresa danc at cs punct upt punct ro.
Your feedback is welcome both directly and via email, at danc at cs dot upt dot ro.

Dan Cosma

Campus Virtual

The links to the official Campus Virtual pages of the PAD and DP courses are provided below. If you have elected the course but it does not show up on your Campus Virtual account, please enrol to it by accessing the link.


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