Lab Content

Week 1











Week 2











Week 3

  • Topics
    • Agile Methodologies, Scrum, Slides
    • Issue tracking systems (Jira, Youtrack), Features, Stories, Tasks
  • Scrum Intro Tutorials











  • Some tutorials on Jira. To start playing around with Jira Cloud please follow this tutorial.











Week 4

  • Evaluation 1 on Agile methods, Scrum, JIra & Use Cases (check Campus Virtual)
  • Topics
    • Git
    • Please study the Git tutorial here and do the practice exercise at the end of it (for the practice exercise use this git repo instead of the link in the document).
    • You can also take a look at the Version Control presentation here and you can find several Git demos and/or tutorials if you scroll down a little. In-depth, official Git documentation can be found here.
    • To install Git on your computer, see the installation instructions here
  • Documentation
  • Demo Git
    • A demo on how to use git locally and connect them to remote repositories.











  • Some tutorials on how to use Git in IntelliJ IDEA (very useful)





















  • To integrate your Git repository with Jira Cloud
    • for GitHub, you can use the marketplace application and follow the steps described here.
      • You can also read more about GitHub-Jira integration here

Week 5

  • Git Exercise
    • Work in pairs of 2 to implement a Student Manager System:
    • Tasks for Student A
    • Tasks for Student B
    • To push to Github you need to generate a Github Authentication token. Please use the following guide.
    • Please use Java 8 (or be aware that since Java 11 JavaFX has been removed from the JDK and must be installed as a separate component; and that since Java 9 there is a new feature: Modularity, and JavaFX is designed using modules, so things might get more tricky). If you want to recreate the project on your own laptops, you can find the contents of the initial files here.

Week 6

  • Evaluation 2 on Git (check Campus Virtual)

Week 7

  • Project Deliverable 1 deadline - Project Text Specification (check Campus Virtual)
  • Topics
    • Questions Build Tools

Week 8

  • Evaluation 3 on Build Tools (check Campus Virtual)

Week 9

  • Evaluation 4 on Class & Sequence Diagrams (check Campus Virtual)

Week 10

  • Evaluation 5 on Unit Testing (check Campus Virtual)

Week 11

  • Questions

Week 12

  • Evaluation Recoveries

Week 13

  • Project Deliverable 2 deadline - Final Project (check Campus Virtual)

Week 14

  • Project Presentation

The page from the previous year can be found here.