Petru Mihancea 2011

Week Gr. 1.1 Gr. 1.2 Gr. 2.1 Gr. 2.2 Gr. 3.1 Gr. 3.2 Gr. 4.1 Gr. 4.2 Gr. 5.1 Gr. 5.2 Gr. 5.3
Odd Odd Even Even Even Odd Odd Odd Even Even Even


  • An up-to-date overview of your current situation can be found here
  • Schedule legend
    • Green - The group is odd type
    • Gray ( Blue in IExplorer browser :| ) - The group is even type
    • Yellow - Evaluation week
  • Friday 16.00 - Monday 8.00 : I don't read my emails

Organizare saptamana 14

NEWS : In mod exceptional, Luni (30.05) programul la laboratorul de FIS incepe de la 9.00 (si nu de la 8.00).

Pentru o buna organizare a laboratorului in saptamana 14 vom proceda in felul urmator:

1. Pt. studentii din subgrupele de tip impar (conform formularelor cu note) a. Evaluarea 3 se va desfasura in slotul de timp corespunzator subgrupei voastre Luni (de la ora 8; de la ora 10); Marti (de la 14; de la 16; de la 18). b. Cei care au de recuperat acel unic test, il vor putea efectua Luni (de la ora 8; de la ora 10); Marti (de la 14; de la 16; de la 18), in slotul de timp corespunzator grupei voastre. Daca va incadrati si la punctul A, mai veniti intr-un slot de tip impar.

2. Pt. studentii din subgrupele de tip par (conform formularelor cu note) a. Evaluarea 3 se desfasoara conform programului tipic + Luni (de la ora 8; de la ora 10); Marti (de la 14; de la 16; de la 18) in limita locurilor disponibile. b. Cei care au de recuperat acel unic test, il vor putea efectua Luni (de la ora 8; de la ora 10); Marti (de la 14; de la 16; de la 18); incercati sa va organizati astfel (si sa nu veniti toti in acelasi timp :)) pentru a nu fi nevoiti sa dati doua evaluari una dupa alta.

Evaluarea 3 neefectuata in saptamana 14 se considera neefectuata la timp. Prezenta se pune in momentul efectuarii evaluarii 3.

Week 13 & 14

  • Evaluation 3
    • Maximum number of students / evaluation class is strictly limited to 18 !!!

Week 11 & 12

  • Topics
  • Suggested reading
    • Lecture Slides (Software Testing Chapter, White-Box, Black-Box)
    • jUnit Tutorial here
    • jUnit Intro here (Steps 2,3,4)
  • Miscellaneous
    • The method to test (int cauta(ArrayList<String>,String)) is static and it is located in the search.Cauta class
    • The class binary code is in totest.jar; it can be found here
    • To configure your Eclipse project, in the project Properties/JavaBuildPath/Library menu, add junit (via Add Library) and totest.jar (via Add External Jar or Add Jar)
    • Specification is given during the lab classes
  • Demo












Week 9 & 10

  • Evaluation 2
    • Maximum number of students / evaluation class is strictly limited to 18 !!!

Week 7 & 8

Week 5 & 6

  • Evaluation 1
    • Maximum number of students / evaluation class is strictly limited to 18 !!!

Week 3 & 4

Week 1 & 2

  • Topics
    • Eclipse IDE (creating projects, perspectives, views, refactorings)
    • SVN (Eclipse integration)
  • Documentation
    • Eclipse
    • A refactoring exercise can be found here
    • Eclipse plugins for SVN: Subversive, Subclipse
    • SVN as a stand-alone tool:
      • A simple SVN tutorial can be found here. For beginners, the Using Subversion section is the most important one. The server side configuration is not so important for you at this time (although it might clarify some aspects from the aforementioned section).
      • A very good book about SVN can be found here (Suggested reading - Chapters 1 and 2).
      • You can download various (standalone) SVN distributions (for different OS) from here.
  • Demos