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Advanced GUI Building

The Java 2D, audio, and JavaBeans APIs provide advanced functionality for building interesting, modular, and more usuable user interfaces.

Java 2D

Java 2D gives you everything you need to enhance the appearance of your GUI with shapes, color, stylized text, foreign-language text, and image processing. It also introduces a printing model fo the Windows and Solaris platforms that gives you more control, power, and flexibility in application-level printing.

The java.awt and java.awt.image packages are enhanced, and the java.awt.color, java.awt.font, java.awt.geom, and java.awt.print packages are new.


The Applet class provides the getAudioClip and newAudioClip methods so you can create and use AudioClips from applications.


The JavaBeans APIs let you build reusable and interchangeable software components that can be visually constructed and manipulated in builder tools. JavaBeans can be simple like pushbuttons or dialog boxes, or more complex like spreadsheets and calendars. While individual JavaBeans vary in functionality, most have the following features in common:

In JDK 1.2, the JavaBeans APIs include an extensible and standard runtime containment and services protocol, and drag and drop support.

Runtime Containment and Services Protocol means that when a Bean is introduced to its environment, it knows it is running inside the Java VM and has access to the core Java APIs. This provides a standard way to nest Beans within other Beans and have the nested Bean be able to access additional runtime services from its environment. It also lets the environment or containing Bean extend its capabilities directly to the nested bean.

Drag-and-Drop Support means that Java and non-Java applications can readily share data. JavaBeans drag-and-drop works with the JFC Accessibility APIs and can be extended to support diverse input devices.

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