Distributed Systems
Laboratory classes
Authors: Ioan Jurca, Dan Cosma. (c)2009-2012
Updated: February 23, 2014
Welcome to the official page for the Distributed Systems laboratory classes! This is the place where you will find all
the announcements and the information related to the tasks you need to accomplish during the semester.
Re-examination results, 2014/02/19
Mihailescu Laura 9,75
Moraru Catalin 8,75
Please use the e-mail to send any questions regarding the exam,until
Monday, 24.02.2012 20:00.
Re-examination results, 2014/01/25
Seres Dinu-Valentin 8
Paven Ramona 9.5
Grozav Tancredi-Paul 8.5
Olaru Flavia 8
Paun Alexandru 8
Olaru Andrei 8
Bogdan Ovidiu-Florin 5
Bratis Lavinia 7
Questions about this exam should be sent by e-mail at danc -at- cs (dot)
upt [dot] ro
Late Submission ("Recuperari")
In Week 13, students can submit overdue projects (projects not yet
submitted), according to the following schedule:
- Monday, December 17. 2012, 12:00
- Tuesday, December 18, 12:00 (the class ends at 12:55)
Penalties apply. No further late submission dates are
available. Please contact me by email for any questions regarding the
finalization of your lab activity.
Lab status
Student registration is now closed.
The current lab status is
The laboratory activity has the following goals:
- Design and implement a set of micro-projects using state-of-the-art distributed technologies
The students will work in teams of four, on a series of three projects using Java-based distributed technologies.
The members of the same team must attend the same laboratory class.
Each team must designate a leader that will act as the group
representative/contact person. The teams must be formed and announced by the students no later
than Week 2 of the semester.
The project specifications will be proposed by the students until Week 2. Once selected, the same general specification
will be used by the team for each of the three projects. This way, the students will experiment with using different
technologies to solve a same problem.
Goals: learn to cope with the process of quickly adopting new technologies; read the documentation, choose a particular
variant of the technology, try the examples, and manage the
development cycle specific to the chosen infrastructure.
Project 1
- Submission deadline: Week 6.
- Technology: Java Servlets
- Required tools/infrastructures:
- Java 1.5 or newer
- Tomcat application server
- Ant
- Mandatory requirements:
- The application must provide sufficient functionality for managing a many-to-many relationship between
items stored in a database. The user interface must be written
using Java servlets. The database can be mysql, or may
be emulated via text files or other methods. At least the following operations must be fully implemented:
insert item, modify item, delete item, view items.
- An ant script must be provided with at least the following functionalities: compile application, deploy application.
Project 2
- Submission deadline: Week 9.
- Technology: Enterprise Java Beans
- Required tools/infrastructures:
- Java 1.5 or newer
- A free EJB 3.0 compliant application server, at student's choice.
- Ant
- Mandatory requirements:
- The application must provide sufficient functionality for managing a many-to-many relationship between
items stored in a database. The client must be developed as a standalone Java application. The database must be mysql,
and the persistency is container-managed.
At least the following operations must be fully implemented:
insert item, modify item, delete item, view items.
- An ant script must be provided with at least the following functionalities: compile application, deploy application.
Project 3
- Submission deadline: Week 12.
- Technology: WebServices in Java
- Required tools/infrastructures:
- Java 1.5 or newer
- Any freely available Java-based WebServices framework/application server.
- Ant
- Mandatory requirements:
- The application must provide sufficient functionality for managing a many-to-many relationship between
items stored in a database. The client must be developed as a
standalone Java application. The database can be mysql, or may
be emulated via text files or other methods. At least the following operations must be fully implemented:
insert item, modify item, delete item, view items.
- An ant script must be provided with at least the following functionalities: compile application, deploy application.
Laboratory rules
- The deadline for each project is mandatory. Only one project can
be submitted late ("recuperari"), at a date that will be announced, penalties may apply.
- Teams must be formed until Week 2, and remain the same during the entire semester.
- The number of students attending the same laboratory class must be roughly the same for each session.
- While the projects are developed as a team, the marks may differ between members of a same team.
Laboratory classes
Monday 12, Tuesday 11, 12:30
Contact and feedback about the lab classes: Dan Cosma, e-mail
danc at cs -dot- upt dot ro .