A Minimalistic Introduction to MIPS Instruction

General Format

               31     26    21    16    11    6      0
                ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                  OP     RS    RT    RD  SHAMT  FUNC
6 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits6 bits

Operation code

First source register operand

Second source register operand

Destination register operand

Shift amount - used in shift instructions

Select the variant of the operation in the op code field

Specific Instruction Formats

Format6 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits6 bitsComments
Ioprsrtaddress/immediateTransfer, branch,immediate
Joptarget addressJump

MIPS Instruction Set

The MIPS instruction set illustrates four underlying principles of hardware design:
  1. Simplicity favors regularity.
  2. Smaller is faster.
  3. Good design demands compromise.
  4. Make the common case fast.
Simplicity favors regularity
Consider the following example:

Arithmeticaddadd a,b,ca=b+cAlways 3 operands
Arithmeticsubtractsub a,b,ca=b-cAlways 3 operands

Note that each operand has exactly three operands.

Smaller is faster.
MIPS has 32 32-bit registers,$v0,...$v31, a very large number would increase the clock cycle time.

Good design demands compromise.
The compromise represented by the MIPS design, was to make all the instructions the same length, thereby requiring different instruction formats.

Make the common case fast.
The MIPS instruction set addresses this principal by making constants part of arithmetic instructions. Furthermore, by loading small constants into the upper 16-bits of a register.

MIPS Instruction Set Summary

Note the summary is not complete. Click here to see the full list

Arithmetic Instructions

addadd $1,$2,$3$1=$2+$3Always 3 operands
subtractsub $1,$2,$3$1=$2-$3Always 3 operands
add immediateaddi $1,$2,10$1=$2+10add constant
add unsignedaddu $1,$2,$3$1=$2+$3Always 3 operations
subtract unsignedsubu $1,$2,$3$1=$2-$3Always 3 operations
add immed.unsignedaddiu $1,$2,10$1=$2+10Always 3 operations


andand $1,$2,$3$1=$2&$33 register operands
oror $1,$2,$3$1=$2|$33 register operands
and immediateandi $1,$2,10$1=$2&10AND constant
or immediateor $1,$2,10$1=$2|10OR constant
shift left logicalsll $1,$2,10$1=$2<<10Shift left by constant
shift right logicalsrl $1,$2,10$1=$2>>10Shift right by constant

Data Transfer

load wordlw $1,10($2)$1=Memory[$2+10]memory to register
store wordsw $1,10($2)Memory[$2+10]=$1register to memory
load upper immed.lui $1,10$1=10x2^16load constant into upper 16 bits

Conditional Branch

branch on equalbeq $1,$2,10if($1==$2)go to PC+4+10Equal test
branch on not equalbne $1,$2,10if($1!=$2)go to PC+4+10Not equal test
set on less thenslt $1,$2,$3if($2<$3)$1=1;else $1=0 Less than compare

Unconditional Jump

jumpj 1000go to 1000Jump to target address
jump registerjr $31go to $31For switch, procedure return
jump and linkjal 1000$31=PC+4;go to 1000For procedure call

Simple Output using MIPS I/O

Let us examine this simple program to introduce MIPS Assembler.

# hello.asm
# Simple routine to demo MIPS output.
# Author: R.N. Ciminero
# See Patterson & Hennessy pg. A-46 for system services.

	.globl	main
	li	$v0,4		# code for print_str
	la	$a0, msg	# point to string
	li	$v0,10		# code for exit

msg:	.asciiz	"Hello World!\n"

Hello world!

Comments on the program:
# hello.asm
A single line comment, comments may also appear to the to the right of regular assembly language statements.

Begin program text segment.

.globl main
Define a global function main.

A label main.

li $v0,4 # code for print_str
Load immediate the system register,$v0, with a value of four, which indicates that we intend to output an ASCII string.

la $a0, msg # point to string
Load the system register,$a0, with the address of the string to be output.

System routine that performs the string output based on the contents of the system registers.

li $v0,10 # code for exit
Load the system code for exit.

Begin the data segment of the program.

msg: .asciiz "Hello World!\n"
The label msg: is the location of the ASCII string.

Simple Input

Let us examine the following program for simple input.

# simpleio.asm
# Simple routine to demo SPIM input/output.
# Author: R.N. Ciminero
# Revision date: 10-05-93 Original def.
# See Patterson & Hennessy pg. A-46 for system services.

	.globl	main
	li	$v0,4		# output msg1
	la	$a0, msg1
	li	$v0,5		# input A and save
	move	$t0,$v0		
	li	$v0,4		# output msg2
	la	$a0, msg2
	li	$v0,5		# input B and save
	move	$t1,$v0		
	add	$t0, $t0, $t1	# A = A + B
	li	$v0, 4		# output msg3
	la	$a0, msg3
	li	$v0,1		# output sum
	move	$a0, $t0
	li	$v0,4		# output lf
	la	$a0, cflf

	li	$v0,10		# exit
msg1:	.asciiz	"\nEnter A:   "
msg2:	.asciiz	"\nEnter B:   "
msg3:	.asciiz	"\nA + B =  "
cflf:   .asciiz	"\n"

Enter A: 10
Enter B: 5
A + B = 15

Comments on the program:
li $v0,5 # input A and save
Load the system register,$v0, with the input code.

System call to accept an integer from the keyboard and store it in register $v0.

move $t0,$v0
Macro to transfer the contents of system register $v0 to temporary register $t0.

add $t0, $t0, $t1 # A = A + B
Add the contents of $t0 to the contents of $y1 and place the sum in $t0.

li $v0,1 # output sum
Load the system register $v0 with the output integer code.

Looping Structures

Let us examine the following program for simple looping structures.

# sumit.asm
# Simple routine to sum N integers to demo a loop.
# Author: R.N. Ciminero
# Revision date: 10-06-93 Original def.
# See Patterson & Hennessy pg. A-46 for system services.

	.globl	main
	li	$v0,4		# output msg1
	la	$a0, msg1
	li	$v0,5		# input N and save
	move	$t0,$v0

	li	$t1, 0		# initialize counter (i)
	li	$t2, 0		# initialize sum

loop:	addi	$t1, $t1, 1	# i = i + 1
	add	$t2, $t2, $t1	# sum = sum + i
	beq	$t0, $t1, exit	# if i = N, continue
	j	loop

exit:	li	$v0, 4		# output msg2
	la	$a0, msg2

	li	$v0,1		# output sum
	move	$a0, $t2
	li	$v0,4		# output lf
	la	$a0, lf
	li	$v0,10		# exit
msg1:	.asciiz	"\nNumber of integers (N)?  "
msg2:	.asciiz	"\nSum  =   "
lf:     .asciiz	"\n"

Number of integers (N)? 5
Sum = 15

Comments on the program:
li $t1, 0 # initialize counter (i)
Temporary register $t1 contains the count.

li $t2, 0 # initialize sum
Temporary register $t2 contains the sum.

loop: addi $t1, $t1, 1 # i = i + 1
Increment the counter by one.

add $t2, $t2, $t1 # sum = sum + i
Add the counter to the sum.

beq $t0, $t1, exit # if i = N, continue
If the counter equals the number of integers, then exit the loop.

j loop
Else perform the summation again.

exit: li $v0, 4 # output msg2
Statement to execute upon leaving the loop.